How to Achieve Financial Independence and Freedom as Fast as Possible… Even if You’re Starting with Just $2.26 in Your Bank Account.
Get the exact step-by-step process tens of thousands of people around the world are using to achieve financial freedom and live the life they actually want.
- 8-Module Online Course
- 50+ Exclusive Videos
- Wealth-Building Frameworks
- Time-Saving Tools & Calculators
- New Lessons
- Ongoing Access & Updates
Unsubscribe at any time.
[Grant] shows how to mold your mindset so that you can make the most of your dollars *and* your hours.

Creator of Get Rich Slowly
Financial Freedom changed my life. It’ll teach you to stop being limited by conventions and what you think you can and cannot achieve.

Writer for U.S. News & World Report
A comprehensive guide to building tangible wealth that you can deploy immediately to give yourself real options in life.

Author of Set For Life?
If you’d like to learn how to achieve financial freedom ASAP so you can start building a life you love and never worry about money ever again (or sacrificing your relationships, health, and best years working a job you hate)... then I think this is the most important message you’ll EVER read.
Hi, my name is
Grant Sabatier
You may know me as the creator of the popular website Millennial Money and author of the international bestseller Financial Freedom… which has helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world reach for financial independence as quickly as possible.
I want to ask you a question:
When you were a little kid, did your teachers ever ask you what you wanted to do when you grew up?
I bet very few people answered that question with, “Work 40-50 hours a week in a job I hate, away from my family, so I can make someone else rich.”
When you’re young, you see a world of endless jobs and possibilities.
Your parents, teachers, and friends probably encouraged you to get a good, safe job. To go to college. To settle down and settle in.
The thing is…
We don’t live in that world anymore.
We live in one of the most uncertain times in human history.
You’re living through it. Right now. Even as you read this.
If you’ve ever worried about your financial situation: It’s ok.
You’re not alone.
No matter how dire things might seem, there is a path forward.
But you’ll have to act fast, because...
Your future is up to you:
there’s no one coming to save you.
And with the world changing as quickly as it is, there’s no time to waste...
Mandatory lockdowns. Climate catastrophes. The hint of economic collapse at every corner. Inflation. Globalization. Political unrest. Jobs aren’t as safe as they used to be. Wall Street is more volatile than ever.
Should I go on?
A lot of us are waking up to the fact that we have little to no control over the world around us.
Who could have predicted the tens of millions of people losing their jobs (or getting furloughed) in the Spring of 2020?
Who could have foreseen the disruptions of global supply chains?
Who knew how fast inflation would set in, making everyone poorer practically overnight?
I’ve had over thousands of conversations with readers asking me how to best navigate these uncertain times.
Everyone’s looking for answers.
Because for the first time in history…
Almost every human being on the planet is waking up to what the “real world” is really like… and learning just how hard it is to get ahead. Especially if you’re following the outdated playbook our parents and grandparents used.
Some people wonder:
“Is it even possible to achieve financial freedom anymore?”
“Am I going to have to keep working until the day I die?”
“Should I just give up?”
Now I know it might sound crazy, but I think…
We're actually entering a new golden age... and you have what may easily be the greatest opportunity to build wealth in all of human history (but it won’t last forever)
Ever catch yourself thinking:
“If only I’d been alive during the _____ era, I’d be a millionaire?”
Good news! This IS that era.
Whenever there’s uncertainty and technological advances, there is also tremendous opportunity…
The thing is, you have to recognize it’s happening and ACT FAST.
It might seem like an outrageous thing to proclaim, but think about it… you could start a business TODAY if you wanted to.
No research and development, no finding a storefront, no applying for a business loan.
From idea to execution, you could have a side hustle or full-on business started in less than 24 hours.
I mean look around you and you’ll see people doing all kinds of things that weren’t even POSSIBLE 10 or 20 years ago. Things like…
- One person quit a 12-year IT career because they could grow their net worth faster using automated investments. So instead of working full-time, they chose to spend the rest of their life traveling the country with their partner inside an Airstream camper…
- Another released iPhone apps as a side hustle and is making an extra $500 per month without adding a ton of extra hours. Eventually they’ll get to the point where they could retire at 32…
- And yet another started a blog that makes over $1.5 million per year, allowing them to work less than 10 hours a week and travel full-time with their husband and two dogs because they achieved financial freedom at the age of 28...
The world has shifted. You don’t have to work 40+ hours a week for the next 40+ years of your life just to barely scrape by.
We now live in a world with technology that allows us to make money in amazing new ways… so there’s really no reason you can’t be wealthy someday TODAY.
I’ve told tens of thousands of people how to double their salaries at their full-time jobs and by starting some kind of side hustle or investment project in their spare time…
The best part?
You can do it too.
(In fact, you may even be closer than you think!)

Life's too short to be wasting the best years of your life stressing over money 24/7.
In her deeply moving book The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, nurse Bronnie Ware says the big two regrets of the dying are:
- I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
- I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.
Ask yourself:
Are you making the most out of your life right now?
Are you spending enough time with the people you love most... making new memories with your partner, kids, siblings, parents, and grandparents?
Are you living out your highest purpose and growing as a person... whether it’s making art, traveling the world, learning new skills, or teaching others?
What about your health?
Are you taking care of yourself so you can keep showing up stronger, faster, and better for the people counting on you for as long as possible?
Or is it all on hold and fading away quickly... because you’re stuck burning out in some never-ending hustle for biweekly paychecks at a job you hate?
I don’t know about you…
But I believe life’s way too short for that..
The truth is, so many people get caught up living a life that isn’t theirs because they’re trying to achieve someone else’s idea of success… be it their parents, colleagues, or even strangers on social media.
They start thinking life is all about sacrificing your best years alive so you can become some 90-year old millionaire who can zip from penthouse to penthouse in a private jet…
But if they took a moment to sit down, breathe, and get honest about what truly makes them happy in life...
…they’d realize they don’t need nearly as much money as it might seem to live “the good life,”
And that they’re closer to achieving real financial freedom than they’d think.
Now, I know what you might be thinking...

“Sounds great and all... but isn’t financial freedom just some ‘get rich quick’ cliché?"
I’ll give it to you straight.
After spending the last 11 years of my life searching and learning everything I could about money…
I am very certain that 98% of the financial industry is full of crap or a complete scam. These so-called “experts” are sharing ideas and solutions that work for only a tiny group of people…
And these “experts” like it that way, because it keeps the majority of people thinking that money and wealth are complicated concepts, too advanced to worry about… so they just stay stuck, broke, and struggling.
But the good news is… that remaining 2% of the financial industry has solid ideas that actually work, and they work for people who aren’t already starting out as millionaires!
While it took me 10,000+ hours of trial and error to piece it all together…
I’ve managed to finally come up with a simple, proven, repeatable path that anyone can use to work to achieve financial freedom ASAP. Anywhere in the world.
And so long as you take action, I really do think ANYONE can follow these steps.
Because tens of thousands of readers worldwide (from all walks of life) have heard my ideas and I hope applied them in their own lives to help successfully buy back their freedom, time, and peace of mind in a very short amount of time.
So while the saying “financial freedom” has been admittedly overused by all the “get rich quick” types of the finance world, it’s definitely no scam. Far from it.
In fact, what I teach people isn’t so much how to get rich quick — but how to get rich quicker.
I show them that passive income is very real… and that making all the money they need while sleeping is actually a lot simpler than what the “experts” would like them to believe.
And now I want to share that knowledge with you. You can take it or leave it, but the one thing I don’t want you to do is waste any more of your invaluable time.
Because with how fast the world is accelerating…
You either adapt and thrive… or you get left behind.
I’ve created a simple, step-by-step system that I think anyone can use to achieve financial freedom ASAHP - as soon as humanly possible.
I believe it’s never been easier to make money and live a life you love despite increased uncertainty in our world.
So many of the ways you can make, save, and invest money today weren’t even possible five years ago…
And you have a unique opportunity to use it to your advantage and change the game forever.
I know this might sound crazy or complicated, but it’s really not.
If you want to achieve financial independence my way, you need to focus on three things:
- Protecting and growing your existing assets
- Understanding and managing your own finances
- Increasing your income without adding a ton of extra hours and work
That’s it.
And if you’re ready, I want to show you exactly what I did so you can save time and jump right into setting everything up without all the trial and error (read: expensive guesswork and hard lessons).
Because the #1 thing I love more than anything else in life is helping people achieve financial freedom as quickly and easily as possible.
This is my passion. It’s the reason I get up every single morning.
And I want to help you make it happen, too.
That’s why I partnered up with the team at The Motley Fool to bring you a once-in-a-lifetime experience that’ll help you master the mechanics of money so you can gain financial independence ASAP.
Financial Freedom in Uncertain TimesVideos directed by Brian Quist
An online course to help you make more money, buy back time, and live a life you actually love.
Financial Freedom in Uncertain Times is a simple, step-by-step path that anyone can follow to work to achieve financial independence as quickly as possible — no matter where they are in their journey today.
The truth is:
Financial Freedom is attainable with the right plan. But I believe:
It’s NOT the plan your parents taught you.
It’s NOT the plan your friends are on.
And it’s NOT the plan any financial advisor is going to give you.
In fact, I think you’ll find it radically different than anything you’ve tried before.
The 8 modules contain over 50 video lessons that teach you everything I think you need to know to dramatically turn your financial situation around (even if you’ve only got $2.26 or less in your bank account, like I did when I first started out).
I want to reiterate:
It does NOT matter where you are today. It only matters where you want to be in the next 5-10 years.
You don’t need an MBA. You don’t need to be the next Warren Buffett. You don’t need to be the Wolf of Wall Street. You don’t need to necessarily quit your job or start some crazy, capital-intensive business.
Just follow the steps in this program and I think it’ll be almost impossible to not build wealth.
Follow the course, one step at a time… and you could create wealth faster than you ever thought possible.
Ready to build a life you love?
Get notified when the course re-opens with a price of just $397, available for a limited time only.
Unsubscribe at any time.
Here’s Everything You’ll Learn Inside Financial Freedom in Uncertain Times
How To Start Living A Life You Love
Learning Objectives
- Why freedom might mean something different than you think.
- Why “making a living” could be making you poorer... regardless of how smart, capable, and responsible you are.
- Rules of the Game: How to use the rigged financial system’s rules to your own advantage… despite the “rich getting richer”.
- How to thrive and build a life you love in a world with increasing uncertainty.
- How to achieve financial independence even if you’re outside the US.
- The ONE small change you can make right now to start automatically building more wealth — while barely lifting a finger.
Getting Your Money Mindset Straightened Out
Learning Objectives
- The sneaky way money controls you without you knowing it. (Watch Lesson 2.1 to learn more…)
- Why trying to copy other people’s money-making game plan could be the fastest way to end up broke and unhappy. (And why you need your own unique plan).
- Why wealthy people purposely work less to make more (and how you can start doing the same in your own life).
- Is money just a mask for underlying trauma? (The answer may surprise you…)
- How a simple shift in your perception could be the key to producing non-stop cash flow that can fund your entire lifestyle… so you never have to worry about money again.
Designing Your Financial Freedom Roadmap
Learning Objectives
- How to grow richer by doing absolutely nothing (in fact, the less you do, the more you can make).
- 7 Levels of Financial Freedom: Knowing where you are now and what do you have do to get to the next level.
- Why using retirement calculators and financial planners are likely ways to screw up your money situation and less than you need (and what to do instead).
- How wealthy people earn hundreds of thousands of extra dollars in just five minutes a day (it’s so simple, you’re going to be kicking yourself for not doing this yourself 10 years ago)…
- What are the highest returning investments with the least amount of risk? In this module, I show you exactly where I think you should be putting your time, energy and focus so your money can grow faster. (I highly doubt it’s what you’d expect.)
Wiping Out Your Debts For Good
Learning Objectives
- Why rich people love debt and how they use it to make millions without risking a cent. (Plus, how you can do it too… the smart, ‘low-risk’ way.)
- Avalanche vs. Snowball: How to choose the best method for wiping out all your debts ASAP.
- One Budget to Rule Them All: Why poor people make budgets and rich people don’t even bother (and what they pay attention to instead).
- 11 questions to ask yourself before investing so you’re always “in the green”…
- 25 ways to maximize your savings (without putting your happiness on hold).
Making Money Without Any Limits
Learning Objectives
- The real reason people hate their jobs… and how to spot moneymaking opportunities so you can get out of yours faster.
- How to generate extra cash flow outside of your day job just by being yourself and genuinely helping others (it’s so simple, I’m surprised more people aren’t doing this…)
- How to get extra “hidden benefits” from your employer so your money, savings and investments can grow even faster (most people don’t even know they’re options and don’t even bother asking.)
- Why saying “no” to most financial opportunities is smarter than saying “yes”… and why doing less can earn you more in the long run.
- Why it’s often a bad idea to take equity or stock options in a company (and how to get paid more upfront instead).
Turning Your Side Hustle Into a Lifestyle Business
Learning Objectives
- The 9-Step Side Hustle Framework for making money on your own easily... to help you achieve financial freedom faster.
- How to get your EHR (effective hourly rate) skyrocketing... so you can make way more in your spare time than you ever would at a full-time job.
- 6 important questions to answer to size up your side hustle’s moneymaking potential.
- Why ONE satisfied customer is all you need to start expanding your side hustle into a profitable lifestyle business.
- The most important kind of income all your side hustles should strive to generate.
Investing Right In Today’s World
Learning Objectives
- Why I don’t think you can earn or save your way into financial independence… and what to do to generate plenty of passive income instead.
- How I think you can grow and invest your money without worrying about ever losing it.
- A simple 7-step investing strategy designed to maximize returns both in the short and long term...
- How to protect your capital gains from potentially getting taxed into oblivion.
- 7 trends that are reshaping the investing landscape (and which ones could be about to take off and might turn some “ordinary people” into millionaires in no time).
Thriving Long-Term Despite Increasing Uncertainty
Learning Objectives
- Why none of your newfound financial freedom may matter if you don't take advantage of it by doing __________.
- My exact metrics for making sure your hard work is actually leading you toward financial freedom… even when times are tough.
- Do NOT hire anyone for financial advice until you watch Lesson 8.2 (I think this could cost you hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars in the long run…)
- Tools, apps, and calculators to help you properly track your evolving net worth.
- The ONE question I ask myself before doing anything...
The second you join, you’ll get instant access to the entire course along with:
- Grant’s Top Money-Making Resources:
Everything from a list of my favorite books to videos so you can hone in on any specific area you think is most relevant to helping you level up faster in your financial freedom journey. - Guest Expert Trainings:
I’ll be inviting some of the best of the best in personal finance to talk shop on what’s “working right now” so you’re equipped with strategies for 2022 and beyond.

We plan to add even more lessons in 2022 and beyond… and you’ll get to help shape and build the entire program with me!
Like any good investment… I want this course to be an asset that continues to pay for itself well into the future.
My team and I will be collaborating with you to make this as valuable as we can possibly make it.
Throughout 2022, I plan to continually add and update the course with even more tactics and strategies to help you achieve financial freedom that much faster.
So as my way of thanking you for being an early believer in Financial Freedom in Uncertain Times, I’ll be looking to you for feedback on what works, what you want more of, and what kind of progress you’re making. Your feedback and input will help shape the course for the future!
Full Disclosure:
Financial Freedom in Uncertain Times is NOT for everyone...
It’s FOR you if you’re ready to:
- Change your relationship with money and break down all the limiting beliefs that are stopping you from living your most fulfilled life.
- Take control of your life because you’re no longer willing to settle for being stuck, uncertain, and afraid.
- Invest in a financial education that you can immediately start applying in order to make more money and buy back your freedom as quickly as possible.
- Show up with an open mind and learn from myself, world-class experts, and a community of like-minded folks who are ready to help you hit your money goals.
- Execute on what you’re learning and be held accountable so you’re actually moving the needle on building the life you want.
It’s NOT for you if you:
- Buy courses only to watch the videos without actually applying the principles or doing the work.
- Think this course is a “magic pill” that’s going to automatically solve all of life’s problems in a matter of minutes.
- Suspect financial freedom is a scam and that the only people who can achieve it are born rich or just plain “lucky.”
- Like working a full-time job and don’t see a problem with trading your time, health, and relationships away to continue making “just OK” money.
- Would rather wait for opportunities to come to you instead of taking control of your financial life.
(If this is you... good luck!)
Ready to build a life you love?
Get notified when the course re-opens with a price of just $397, available for a limited time only.
Unsubscribe at any time.
Meet Your Host & Instructor
Grant Sabatier
If you don’t already know me, I’m Grant Sabatier.
Author of the International Bestseller Financial Freedom and Creator of Millennial Money.
(Although honestly, I’m just a 36-year-old on the same journey as you and everyone else in this world.)
After ending up back at my parents’ home with only $2.26 to my name after everything “you’re supposed to do,” I set two seemingly impossible goals for myself:
- Save $1,000,000
- Retire ASAP
Fast forward 5 years and 3 months later… I’ve managed to successfully “retire early.”
Nowadays, I’m on a mission to help as many people as possible discover their own path toward achieving lasting financial independence.
Financial Freedom in Uncertain Times is the pinnacle of everything I’ve learned and mastered over my lifelong career.
And it’s why I’m so incredibly excited to share everything we’ve put together for you inside and 100% ready to support you in making as much money you’ll ever need — no matter what lies ahead.
I’ve been fortunate to be featured or included in some of the top media outlets in the world, including:
- CNBC Logo
- Yahoo Finance Logo
- Money Logo
- The New York Times Logo
- NPR Logo
- Rachael Show Logo
- BBC Logo
- The Wallstreet Journal Logo
- USA Today Logo
- Business Insider Logo
- The Washington Post Logo
- Chicago Tribune Logo
- Huffpost Logo
- MarketWatch Logo
- Forbes Logo
- Inc Logo
- MSN Logo
Featuring Special Guests
Learn from the legit “who’s who” of the personal finance world
Throughout the course, I’ll be bringing in a ton of experts in the personal finance space, including:

Jamila Souffrant
Founder & Host of the Journey to Launch Podcast

J.D. Roth
Creator of Get Rich Slowly & Author of Your Money

Stefanie O’Connell Rodriguez
Creator of Too Ambitious & Host of the Money Confidential Podcast

Julien & Kiersten Saunders
Creators of rich & REGULAR

Jordan Grumet (Doc G)
Host of the Earn & Invest Podcast

Bola Sokunbi
Best-Selling Author & Founder of Clever Girl Finance

Amanda Holden
Creator & Author of The Dumpster Dog Blog
More To Come!
We’ll be adding even more interviews throughout all of 2022!
Here’s what life could look like after you take Financial Freedom in Uncertain Times...
Total financial freedom in less than 10 years may sound like a radical concept... but I think that’s only because you haven’t been given the knowledge or tools to make it happen.
That’s why I have built them for you.
No matter where you are in your own financial journey...
Financial Freedom in Uncertain Times will help you reach financial independence in WAY less time.
There’s no sugar coating, fluff, or filler… just highly actionable advice that you can start implementing right away.
If you put in the work, by the time you get through the course you could be:
- Earning way more money while working way less (or even zero!) hours
- Working because you want to, not because you “have” to
- Checking your bank account without any of the usual dread
- Taking a vacation (or even taking a sabbatical and doing nothing for a bit), just because you feel it
- Spoiling loved ones with celebrations and gifts, or helping them out of a jam without having to worry about being repaid
- Learning new skills and pursuing your passions more freely
- Traveling the world and visiting with friends and family whenever you want
- Starting your weeks off excited about the possibilities (vs dreading Mondays)
- Watching your bank balances grow as your money starts to work for you
That’s what life can look like when you’re not putting everything off until “someday.”
I know, because not only have I done it for myself, I’ve given thousands of people all around the world the tools to achieve this kind of financial freedom.
And I want to help you achieve it, too.
Unsubscribe at any time.
Why you should join Financial Freedom in Uncertain Times right now
If you’re ready to start making more money, working way less, and buying back your freedom sooner rather than later… then grabbing this now is definitely a “no brainer”.
Again, the reason I’m even doing this is to help share everything I’ve learned with you and others given the current climate and where our world is seemingly headed…
There’s no doubt in my mind that this course can help fast-track your financial skills so that you can make the kind of money that will give you the freedom you crave — no matter where you’re starting or what the current economic climate looks like.
Remember: money is infinite.
And that means there’s enough for every single one of us to have as much of it as we need.
But unlike money… time is not infinite.
And it doesn’t matter if you can make all the money in the world if you run out of time.
So if you really want to get out of the grind for good...
I say we embark on this adventure together right here and now.
What are you waiting for?
Financial Freedom in Uncertain Times
- 8-Module Online Course
- 50+ Exclusive Videos
- Proven Wealth-Building Frameworks
- Time-Saving Tools, Apps & Calculators
- Ongoing New Lessons
- Ongoing Access & Updates
- Exclusive Pricing
Unsubscribe at any time.
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
I just know you’re going to LOVE what’s inside Financial Freedom in Uncertain Times…
So much so, I’m going to give you 30 days to jump in and give it a try.
If you don’t feel like you’re more on track towards reaching financial freedom and moving closer to the life you want after giving it a try…
Let me know and I will refund you 100% of your fee back right away.
(No hassles, no questions asked.)
Here’s what everyone’s saying about Financial Freedom

"Grant and I are brothers on the same path of giving back as much as we can."
America’s #1 Life & Business Strategist

"Financial Freedom fills a major gap in ‘Your Money or Your Life’ that I didn't even realize was there. Thank you!"
New York Times bestselling co-author of Your Money or Your Life

"Financial Freedom is about a lot more than money, it’s about living a richer life."
#1 New York Times bestselling author of The Automatic Millionaire & The Latte Factor

"Financial Freedom changed my life. It’ll teach you to stop being limited by conventions and what you think you can and cannot achieve."
Reporter & Writer for U.S. News & World Report

"Grant Sabatier is a bold, new voice for this country's next generation – a generation that chafes at mounting debt, rejects traditional modes of work, and longs for financial freedom.
He shows how to mold your mindset so that you can make the most of your dollars *and* your hours. Best of all, he provides a blueprint so that you can build the rich life you've always wished for."
Creator of Get Rich Slowly and Author of Your Money

"Financial Freedom is a comprehensive guide to building tangible wealth that you can deploy immediately to give yourself real options in life.
You'll both learn something and be inspired by Grant, whether you are brand new to the concept of financial freedom, or well on your way already."
Author of Set For Life? & Host of The BiggerPockets Money Show Podcast

"Financial Freedom will transform your relationship with money."
Founder of Becoming Minimalist & Simple Money Magazine

"Financial Freedom is a simple, step-by-step plan to make more money in less time, so you can live a life you love."
New York Times bestselling author of Side Hustle & The $100 Startup
"Decades later, I still consider it the most important decision I’ve made in my life...
Not only did it revolutionize my relationship with money forever… but it gave me the clarity and confidence I needed to finally create the life I’ve always wanted.
And to think I almost skipped out because I thought it’d be “just another course”...
If I could go back in time to January of 2022… I’d do whatever it takes to ensure the “old me” signs up.
For anyone else on the fence that’s thinking of joining, do yourself a solid and jump right in.
Grant’s the real deal. And ‘Financial Freedom in Uncertain Times’ is worth every penny and minute you put into it.
Highly recommend it!"
Ready to build a life you love?
Get notified when the course re-opens with a price of just $397, available for a limited time only.
Unsubscribe at any time.
Smart Questions Answered
Here are answers to some of the most common questions about Financial Freedom.
Who’s this course for?
Financial Freedom in Uncertain Times is for anyone who is ready to start taking major steps toward reaching the next level of financial freedom in their own journey and wants a proven blueprint for helping them get there in the next decade (or even less if you really put in the work the way I did).
Whether you’re just getting started with making money, stuck in a job that’s eating away at your life, or trying to figure it out way later in life… this course will help you achieve huge, lasting results across all areas of your financial life.
How much knowledge/experience do I need for this class?
None! You don’t need to be some sort of financial genius to pull any of this off.
(Take it from a guy who’s never taken a business or finance class in his entire life.)
That’s why I designed this course in such a way that I think anyone can jump in and pick up the basic principles of earning, saving, and investing to come up with a strategy that works best for them and execute for immediate results.
And if you’ve already got some financial experience and skills, you’ll be able to use the ideas and resources inside the course to help jump to the next level in your financial freedom journey.
How exactly does your course work?
This is a completely self-paced course with 8 modules.
Each module features a series of pre-recorded video lessons that uses a mixture of teaching and conversations with a guest from the personal finance space who is an expert in the topics for that module.
At the end of each module, there are exercises you can use to start applying everything you just finished learning.
What is the time commitment?
Whatever works best for you.
On average, each module is about 1 hour long.
Ultimately, it boils down to how quickly you want to achieve the next level of financial freedom in your journey.
The more time you dedicate to learning and implementing the strategies found inside this course, the faster you’ll be able to build wealth, change your life, and reach financial freedom.
Are classes live? Do I have to log into specific times?
Nope. All the video lessons are pre-recorded.
Which means you can log in whenever you want to continue your progress.
Do I get to take this class online?
Yup! You can log in and check out the lessons on your desktop, laptop, tablet, and smartphone.
Will I still have access to this course after I finish it?
Absolutely! You’ll have access to these modules for as long as we make it available to anyone. You pay once and it’s always with you whenever you need to revisit the course material (or to check out any new lessons and updates that have been added).
When does the course start? When’s the next one?
Since there are no live components to the course, you can start as soon as you join and access the course materials inside your dashboard.
Does it matter what timezone I’m in?
Nope! This is a self-paced, do-it-whenever-you-want course.
What’s the refund policy?
You’ve got a 30-day fee-back guarantee where you can try the course out and see if you like it. If at that point you’re somehow not satisfied with the value found inside, you can let us know and we’ll give you a full refund of your fee. Just email
What if I’ve got more questions?
No sweat! Just email us at

Anyone can do this. You can too.
All you have to do is start.
For me, the important question is always:
“Am I free in this moment?”
I know change can be terrifying. But if you want to start living and growing, something has to change.
It’s never been easier to live a life you love despite increased uncertainty in our world.
And I’ve done all the work for you and can show you how to get there fast.
But at the end of the day, what you do with this opportunity is ultimately up to you.
There is a reason you’re reading this right now, at this very moment.
You’ve only got one life.
This is it.
Are you ready?
If so, let’s get to work.
See you inside.
It’s never too late (or early) to start building a life you love...